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Lingnan Scholars Guide

Metrics of Research Outputs


Scopus Citations

Number of citations (generated based on Scopus data) is available on individual article page.


PlumX Widget

PlumX Metrics provide insights into the ways people interact with individual pieces of research output (articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, and many more) in the online environment. Examples include, when research is mentioned in the news or is tweeted about. Collectively known as PlumX Metrics, these metrics are divided into five categories to help make sense of the huge amounts of data involved and to enable analysis by comparing like with like.

Mouse over the Plum Print to see the metrics summary.

Click “see details” to take you a step further – to the PlumX Metrics page where you can see the detailed metrics, along with original tweets, news and blog stories, Wikipedia references and more.


Altmetric Donut

The Altmetric Attention Score and donut are designed to identify how much and what type of attention a research output has received. You can click on the donut to visit the details page for the research output, to see the original mentions and references that have contributed to the attention score.

The amount of each color in the donut will change depending on which sources a research output has received attention from.

Note: In order to show an Altmetric Donut or a PlumX Widget for your publications, the publications must be identifiable to be tracked. Make sure that they have a unique identifier, preferably a DOI or ISBN.

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