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Library - Research Support Team
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To view and evaluate the author metrics in SciVal, researchers are recommended to export their author profiles from Scopus to SciVal.
Go to Scopus
Click "Authors" and then search for your author profile
On the author profile page, click on "Export to SciVal" to export the profile to SciVal
The profile will be added into your entity selection panel under "Researchers and Groups".
You can also click on the "Is this you?" button under the researcher's name to connect your researcher profile to your SciVal account
Researchers are also recommended to define their own Research Areas, which enable them to:
identify existing and potential collaboration partners that are active in the field
discover the most important topics within their research areas
demonstrate impact and highlight accomplishments within a research area
You can create a new Research Area from the entity selection panel or from My SciVal.
Using the entity selection panel...
Go to the "Research Areas" tab
Click on the "Add new" button at the bottom left corner
Click "Define a new Research Area"
Using My SciVal...
Go to the "Research Areas" tab
Click on the "Define a new Research Area" button at the top right corner
Choose "Use search terms", and enter the key terms in the search bar:
All of these words: Each keyword must be in the results
Any of these words: At least one of search terms must be included in the results
None of these words: Exclude results that contain the search terms
You can use the filters to further refine your Research Area if needed
Click "Next step"
Save the defined Research Area with a meaningful name and then click "Save and finish" to save the Research Area
Tips for Researchers
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