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The Trends module allows you to discover the emerging research topics and to identify the top-performing countries, institutions, authors and journals of a specific topic.
In the Trends module, you can select an entity from the entity selection panel from:
Publication Sets
Topics and Topic Clusters
Research Areas
Click the buttons below to learn about how to use the Trends module:
An entity is "anything that can be viewed in SciVal in terms of academic performance". You can use the entity selection panel on the left to select your entity of interest from:
Topics and Topic Clusters
Research Areas
You may create your own Research Area if you cannot find a suitable one from existing Research Area suggested by SciVal
Scopus Sources
If the entity you want is not listed, click on the search bar (with the |
In SciVal, there are thousands of pre-defined entities e.g. countries, institutions, and research topics, etc. However, some entities such as researchers, research teams and publication sets are not pre-defined, you will need to define you own entities in order to view the metrics for them. You can define your own entity for:
Researchers / groups of researchers
Publication sets
Groups of institutions
Groups of countries
Using the entity selection panel...
Click on the "Add new" button at the bottom left corner
Click "Define a new..."
Using My SciVal...
Choose the type of entity you would like to define
Click on the "Add new" button at the top right corner
Search for the entity you would like to add
If you would like to verify author's publications when you are defining a researcher profile, you can click on "Validate publications". If not, click on "Directly go to Save Researcher"
Click on "Save and Finish" and the selected entity will added into the selection panel
You can view the publication data for a period of three, five or ten years. Click on the date period under the entity name to select the year range.
The Keyphrases analysis in the Trends module enables you to easily identify the emerging and declining topics in your research area.
Select an entity from "Research Areas", e.g. Mechanical Engineering
You may create your own Research Area if you cannot find a suitable one from existing Research Area suggested by SciVal
In the right panel, you will see a snapshot of your chosen research area which includes:
Overall research performance
Keyphrase analysis
The keyphrases are the important words / concepts extracted from the titles, abstracts and author keywords of the publications within the Research Area, Publication Set, Topic or Topic Cluster
Most active performers
The top 50 hot topics within the area of interest will be shown under Keyphrase analysis. In the word cloud, the growing topics are indicated in green, and the declining topics are indicated in blue, which allows you to easily identify the emerging and declining topics at a glance. You can also hover your cursor over or click on the keyphrases to view more details about the key phrase.
Other than discovering hot topics for your research, you can also explore the top performers such as the most active institutions and authors in your field.
Select an entity of interest, e.g. SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being (2021) from "Research Areas"
You may define your own research area if you cannot find a suitable one from the entity selection panel
In the right panel, you can click on the "Institutions", "Countries & Regions", "Authors" and "Scopus Sources" to tab view the most active Institutions, countries, authors and journals within the entity respectively
In the Visualization (Chart / Map) mode, you can view the metric values as "Percentage growth or decline" to further identify top growing performers
In the Map view, the upward orange triangle represents to positive growth while the downward triangle indicates the opposite
You can hover your cursor over or click on the triangle marker to view more information about the entity's contribution to the field
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