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The Reporting module enables you to generate reports easily with the report templates available in SciVal, or create your own custom reports tailored to specific needs. |
In the Reporting module, you can use the following templates provided by SciVal to create a report:
Summary |
Basic Benchmark |
Enriched Benchmark |
Collaboration |
After selecting a template, you will have to choose at least one entity to populate your report. Save your report with a meaningful name and then click "Create report" to generate the report. The new report will be prompted, and you can make further changes to your report, for example:
Adding or removing analyses
Changing the order of the analyses
Modifying the setting of an analyses e.g. the entity, year range and subject area etc.
Click on "Save as" → "Save Report" to save the changes or to export the report for a deeper analysis. You can also save the modified report as a template for your future use.
Alternatively, you can also use the "Report from template" button () from the header of the Overview and Trends modules to generate a report.
The reports in SciVal are dynamic which will be updated weekly based on Scopus data. You need to export the report if you need a snapshot in time |
Reports in SciVal are composed of a single or up to 20 analyses. You can create a custom report tailored to your specific needs by combining multiple analyses into a single report.
Set up an analysis in any of the modules
Click "Add to Reporting" at the top right corner of the table, chart, or map in your analysis
Click "Save" to save your analysis to the Reporting Library, or choose "Add to a report" to add it to an existing report or a new report
The saved analyses will appear in your Reporting Library. You can view and edit the analyses, and use the them to create a report or a report template in the Reporting Library later
The reports in SciVal are dynamic which will be updated weekly based on Scopus data. You need to export the report if you need a snapshot in time |
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