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Lingnan Data Repository

An institutional open access data repository for Lingnan's research community to deposit, share and publish their research datasets

Sharing Unpublished Datasets Privately

Sometimes, researchers may be asked to submit their research data for review as part of the peer-review process or require a platform to work with collaborators on a dataset. In these cases, they can share their working data privately with their reviewers or a small group of researchers.

Sharing via Private URL

(For reviewing purposes, pre-publication sharing...)

You can privately share your dataset with external reviewers for reviewing purposes by providing them with a private URL:

  1. On the dataset page, select "Edit Dataset" > "Private URL"
  2. Click "Create Private URL"
  1. You can share the private URL with individuals without Lingnan Data Repository accounts (e.g., reviewers, funders) to grant them access to view your unpublished dataset. If you wish to grant others the right to edit your dataset, please refer to the "Working with Collaborators" section.

warning Please be aware that the Private URL will be disabled after your dataset has been published.

Working with Collaborators

After creating a dataset, you can grant permissions to your collaborators, allowing them to manage the dataset alongside you:

  1. On the dataset page, select "Edit Dataset" > "Permissions"
  2. Click , then enter the name(s) of your collaborators
    • Please ensure that your collaborators have a Lingnan Data Repository account in order to grant them access. If you are working with collaborators who are not affiliated with Lingnan, please refer to the FAQ section for further guidance.
  3. You can assign different roles to your collaborators, such as:
    • Contributor: can edit the dataset
    • Curator: can edit the dataset and manage dataset permissions
    • Member: can view the dataset
  4. Click "Save Changes" to save your edits