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Research Data Management

A comprehensive guide to the best practices for planning, collecting, working with, sharing and reusing research data

Licensing Data

It is important to make it clear how the data can be reused when publishing research data. Publishing data without a license creates ambiguity, hence, you should assign a license to your research data to inform potential users what they are allowed to do with the data.

When licensing your data, you should first check whether there is any licensing requirement for publishing your data. Some funders or publishers may require researchers to use a certain license as a condition of funding or publication. Some data repositories may also require a certain license as a condition of deposit.

Most trusted data repositories allow you to select the license for your data when depositing data. To allow the widest possible reuse and redistribution, you are recommended to choose an open license from below commonly used licenses for data publishing:




Suitable for

Public Domain Dedication

Allow data to be reused for any purposes and without any restrictions

Dataset only contains facts


Allow data to be reused for any purposes as long as:

  • credit is given to the creator

Most datasets

Attribution Share-Alike

Allow data to be reused for any purposes as long as:

  • credit is given to the creator
  • adaptations are shared under the identical license

Collaborative projects

For more about data licensing, you may refer to the following resources:

Licences for open research data

DocEnhance Data Stewardship: Licence for open research data, with Aysa Ekanger

Source: Aysa, E. (2020, December 11). Licence for open research data. [Video]. Vimeo.