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The following databases are newly acquired by the Library
De Gruyter This link opens in a new window
(On trial until 31 May 2024)

De Gruyter offers a wide variety of content covering of journals and books within the scope of theology and philosophy, biology and chemistry, linguistics and literature, mathematics and physics, history and archaeology, as well as law and medicine.

Open trial access to De Gruyter eBooks and journals

Emerging sources citation index. This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
"Search across over 7,800 of the world’s highest-quality journals across 254 disciplines. More than 3 million records and 74 million cited references date back from 2005 to present."-- Provided by publisher.
InCites essential science indicators. This link opens in a new window
"Essential Science Indicators (ESI) is an analytical tool that helps you identify top-performing research in Web of Science Core Collection. ESI surveys more than 11,000 journals from around the world to rank authors, institutions, countries, and journals in 22 broad fields based on publication and citation performance. Data covers a rolling 10-year period and includes bimonthly updates to rankings and citation counts."-- Provided by publisher.
Oxford academic journals. This link opens in a new window
"The home of 500 peer-reviewed journals published by Oxford University Press and learned societies from around the world."--Provided by publisher.
Oxford handbooks online. This link opens in a new window
(Full access for trial until 17 May 2024)

Oxford Handbooks Online is a fully cross-searchable resource providing the complete texts of the prestigious Oxford Handbooks in business and management, economics, literature, philosophy, political science and Religion. Extensive links make the online Handbooks easy to navigate making these valuable reference resources more easily discoverable, accessible and searchable. It is a complete text of over 70 Oxford Handbooks and comprises over 2,000 essays within 4 subject modules.
Science citation index expanded. This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) Web of Science - Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-expanded)
"Science Citation Index Expanded is a multidisciplinary index to the journal literature of the sciences. It fully covers major journals across 178 scientific disciplines and includes all cited references captured from indexed articles."-- Provided by publisher.
中华人民共和国国史数据库 This link opens in a new window
(On trial until 31 May 2024)

《中華人民共和國國史數據庫》是目前全球唯一一款權威地、系統地、全面地介紹中華人民共和國國史的數位化產品,是當代中國最具影響力的正史和信史。全庫目前收錄《當代中國》叢書、《中華人民共和國國史編年》系列叢書和《當代中國城市》系列叢書等241卷圖書,超過5.5萬個文獻,3萬餘幅珍貴圖片,時跨1921年7月至20世紀末近80年時間,總體量近2億字。 《中華人民共和國國史數據庫》是一部權威官方國史史志的總集,全庫資料平實精煉、客觀精準,是研究現當代中國國史、黨史的一手文獻資源總庫。
典籍整理文献数据库 This link opens in a new window
(On trial until 31 May 2024)

"本库以上海古籍出版社整理本古籍为核心,第一期入库1170种,共3亿字。第二期入库507种,共2亿字。第三期入库1306种,共3亿字。第四期入库843种,共2亿字。包含上海古籍出版社“中国古典文学丛书”、“中国历代书目题跋丛书”、“十三经注疏”、“清诗话全编”系列等重点核心资源。"--Provided by publisher.

Note: 目前試用時,必須右上角按”登錄”,點選郵箱/帳號登錄,輸入公用帳密才能閱讀全文及複製文字。

清華大學藏戰國竹簡 (壹、貳) This link opens in a new window
(On trial until 31 May 2024)

"2008年7月,流散境外的戰國竹簡經校友捐贈,入藏北京清華大學。2009年3月,由李學勤先生、黃德寬先生先後主持,北京清華大學出土文獻研究與保護中心對之展開初步釋讀,經綴合編排後初估,共計2,388枚。清華簡自2010年開始以每年一輯的陸續出版,目前已出版至第十二輯。為更好地滿足讀者的閱讀研究需求,上海中西書局、清華大學出土文獻研究與保護中心與上海辭書出版社合作,開發《清華大學藏戰國竹簡》電子書平台。"--Provided by publisher.

Note: 讀者登入時必須使用帳密,如不使用自己的手機號碼登入,可以使用公用帳密,每個帳密只限一人線上使用
